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    We think about Stalin all the time. We remember that his state policies were diametrically opposed to the flawed but fruitful ideas of Lenin and Marx in almost every meaningful way. You're the extremist here, bub.

    Your claim that people who value political correctness find Mao, "Staling" [sic], Pol Pot, etc. morally palatable has no relationship with reality. PC leftists tend to find state encroachment on civil liberties and the horrors of state-sponsored more disturbing than conservatives do.

    No, they don't. You know how Nigel Farage is basically likable? That's the work of Disney's entire marketing department, right there.

    I like that you can't spell Funyuns and had to take an educated punt. I think it speaks well to your character.


    It's not an approval rating, it's from a YouGov poll and it's the percentage of people who consider themselves feminists. The actual, I guess, "approval rating"—people who believe in the social and political equality of the sexes—gets a nice fat 82%. OP is full of shit but did pull a real number from somewhere.

    Yeah, the meter is all off on that one.

    I wonder if Tracy has ever sung it. Donald Glover imitated him for the recording.

    This, a thousand times this. A little compassion, parenting is a motherfucker.

    Ay, that's sad to think about.

    I have to admit, I'm really confused. Comics present a range of attitude to combat, from military-inflected to campy and fantastical. Costume designs tend to follow. You seem to be saying that all comics should work in the milieu of "high-fantasy superhero camp" and that "military allegory" (I think you mean milieu or

    Being petulant is more annoying than being un-PC, I think.

    “we used a term liek “reduction”—> youd on’t read every one of the leaves on the tree but you know it’s a tree... elements are reduced to their essential truths rather than being literal.”

    Somehow, I think some notes might have slipped through unedited. Somehow.

    "Not on my watch"
    —the cop whose arm I peed on

    Terminator Genisys only sold $440 worth of tickets? I think some of the people here who said they've seen it are *lying.*

    Oh, like the way it took them like three years to get a YouTube channel?

    Casting and mirroring aren’t the same thing, experientially or technically. The Chromecast connects directly to a supported app’s web service (exactly like the other services) and the app on the device becomes a multifunctional remote. Screen mirroring is an added feature.

    You'll be waiting a long time, baby.

    The flat tyre is why I'm not getting the new 360. I'm waiting for the next thing. If the Huawei ever goes under $200 I might get that.

    Yeah, but modern smart watches won't be there for probably years. The focus right now is on shrinkage, which means eking more and more out of less and less battery. 4 days would represent a revolutionary—not evolutionary—kind of battery tech.