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    To be fair, I'm not sure it's a solvable problem in the short term. The platforms are pretty different. I'd rather the respective software dev teams worked on deepening integration with the primary platforms. The fact that Android Wear's voice search isn't on par with Android's native voice search is inexcusable, for

    To be fair, I paired my Moto 360 with an iPhone the other day, and that purported integration is a joke.

    I did. Cold contacted by a recruiter on LinkedIn and was placed three weeks later. I didn't realize it happened, either, but it does.

    I got recruited directly off LinkedIn for my current job, which is great. It does happen.


    Do you, uh, have his number?

    Also his horrific contributions to some of our most racist and authoritarian crime laws. The man is complex.

    Usually. Sadly, Biden's excruciating record on drugs and crime should probably disqualify him from running, especially given that this is a moment of opportunity for racial justice. It's too bad; I do like him as a person.

    Hey, flannel is the perfect fabric for the Dutch climate. Doesn't make them all dykes.

    But…I'd need somewhere to put all of this stuff!

    This is pretty funny and also pretty fucking prescient to the problems directors are having making VR cinema work.

    But of course!

    I bet it does look good. I'd like to see it.

    Yeah, exactly. It may seem esoteric, but if you're endeavoring to explain something then being pointlessly inaccurate—even to the point of making corrections on the video but not in the voiceover—is lazy as shit.

    Oh, calm down. It's reasonable to make an objection if the article is "We explain thing X" and almost no instances of "thing X" are correct.

    If anyone's still reading this, the FXGuide podcasts are some of the best podcasts about movies.

    There is so much wrong with this video. Most of the directly cited aspect ratios are incorrect, for a start. This is bad, GJI, and you should feel bad.

    Well, the petition to get Hillary Clinton to agree to more debates has almost 45,000 signatures, and this one has…fewer than 250. This is definitely a website for politics nerds, not media geeks. So, yeah, your exasperating smugness is almost certainly justified.