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    That’s preposterous. Directors who have the money and time to shoot film often still do. Chris Nolan, Quentin Tarantino, David O. Russell, P.T. Anderson, Steven Spielberg, and Martin Scorcese are not “niche,” and they all prefer to shoot film and have done so in the last couple years. Blockbuster films are frequently

    Emong Dillap?

    his laid back demeanor makes you so angry what?

    imho it's nabd

    mostly acronyms

    Must have been something he said.

    You’re an entitled asshole and you’re abusing your mouthpiece here. You’ve had a series of situations where artists have clearly been turned off to your behavior, and you’ve taken that as a bad comment on them, not on you. That is self-obsessed jackass behavior. And yes, I’d say that to a man—usually see that kind of

    The "Masc4Masc" of European nationalities

    I got totally spooky vibes because I ACTUALLY ended my last show with "Setting Sun." Although the show had a strict "no Beatles" rule anyway.

    To be fair, there's an expectation that pop will have a little fucking brevity.

    2% is a MASSIVE amount. I would not have expected the number to be that high. That’s a lot of landscaping.

    Baby, I always scratch the undercarriage.

    You are all glorious nerds and I love you so much.

    "That neural link is more than a little ridiculous conceptually, even by the ever eroding standards of this fictional universe…."

    ugh it looks like pp2 is bad and :(

    Right, exactly. As far as I’m concerned, though, she’s sharing top Avengers billing with Steve. Steve wouldn’t want it differently, anyway.

    I don’t know. I’m not the only one who loved Cloud Atlas. This series seems like a continuation of the MO of that film, cataloging and telling passionate stories about the things that bind and differentiate people and cultures across geography and history. Also, I feel like the critical backlash on V for Vendetta is a

    I would also be fine with Hayley Atwell as Han Solo.

    OK Google is phenomenal...for a very specific range of things.

    Knowledge graph-driven requests (What’s Margaret Thatcher’s birthday? How do you make biscuits? What’s the weather like on Thursday? What’s Hillary’s middle name?) have a genuinely astonishing hit rate, and provide the best illusion of an intelligent

    Aw, c’mon. Lucy was garbage. Under The Skin was magnificent, though it’s probably even less safe for BDG’s niece.