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    I feel like you’re ignoring the awesomeness of the Fraction Hawkeye book, and the fact that the MCU is apparently big enough to do a Buffy-style MOTW sci-fi show, Shakespearean space opera/fantasy, sci-fi adventure comedy, ensemble action, period sci-fi, and, with Cap 2, ‘70s-style spy action. Cap 2 was arguably more

    Are you suggesting that having three or four Pitch Perfect movies by 2018 would be a bad thing

    Do we know that she’s second in command? SHIELD aren’t exactly operating in a firm command structure, and Steve Rogers isn’t the kind of guy to demand organizational supremacy over Nat. Who would he even ask? Nat is much closer to Nick Fury than Steve is. And Steve likes Nat—she’s one of the few people who treats him

    thanks, you ass. now i have red wine in my nasal cavities.


    what biblical epoch did you slither out from?


    oh my god. pacific rim.

    Are you arguing that when discussing art, quality is completely unrelated to moral character?

    Of course you can make fun of poor people in comedy. Comedians do it all the time. Some comedians *only* do that.

    That's a little bonkers. Satire is the most inherently political form of comedy. If you're a satirist who completely ignores power relationships when deciding on comic targets, you're almost certainly a shitty satirist.

    Crucially, America has never enslaved Australians, has never had a serious culture of anti-Australian racism, and has never been in a wholly dominant economic or social position of power over Australia. Which makes me wonder, if you don't mind me asking, how does the British comedy about Australia go over? The old

    I suspect the original comment may have been a leeeeeetle bit sarcastic.

    Wow. Just...holy shit, wow. What is wrong with you.

    “if solar is actually good”

    On the other hand, why wouldn’t he have one?

    Then again, why wouldn’t he have one?

    Supposedly they dropped the character when they found out there weren't any black MASH surgeons in Korea, so…real-life racism actually beats TV in this case.

    Or Lana could have hit her head during the fight. Or Mallory/Slater could have drugged both of them and put them on the plane to Wales. Actually, bringing Mallory along for the mission and having her drive would have shaken up the character dynamics in crazy good ways. I hope JW is okay.

    Yeah, but you have to factor in the show's character assassination on Lana this season. How do you tell a completely irrational person anything? Not that drugging them and kidnapping them to Wales is a good solution.

    This seems like such a bizarre argument. If any medium can accommodate multiple origin stories for the same character, it's comics. How do you even adapt a comic book character to the screen without making major alterations to that character's canonical narrative? So Johnny Storm is Sue Storm's adopted brother