15 minutes could save you 50 years on your life.
15 minutes could save you 50 years on your life.
I believe they play a game of Madden 10 times and see what happens.
Oh, so when a baboon cops a feel on Sabrina Rodriguez, it's "cute" and "funny," but when I do it, it's considered "outrageous" and "third-degree sexual assault."
As pure as the driven snow?
Colin Kaepernick said his coach reminds him of Veronica Salt.
I like turtles!
Or gets better, depending on who you're rooting for.
I heard that Williams did not appreciate Cooper's colored commentary.
His Pryor record does not give me much hope.
I don't understand what's wrong here. His actions were clearly justified under the search and seize her amendment.
The group just sent out a tweet: "We have barred the lift, but the tickets are not selling. The pulley shakes. We cannot get out. Bankrputcy shadows us. We cannot get out. They are not coming!"
I would also recommend holding water in your mouth as you chop the onions. I have no idea why it works, but it works like a charm every time.
Does anyone else find it weird that in a cursing poll I get a thank you for voting?
Not at all, my Hindu friend!
Am I bad person for laughing at this?
So you went from -_- to :) to :D to ;( to >:()
But seriously folks, what about this airline food?
GIF's or it didn't happen.
Lustful Cockmonster: Where all the conservatives are gay, the liberals are depraved, and the moderates are above average (in cock size).
Steve Young comes to the mind. Not only did he miss the season, but it forced him into retirement.