
His Girl Friday is maybe the greatest screwball romantic comedy ever. Another Grant would be The Awful Truth, about regaining the romantic comedy in your life. Also, The More the Merrier, another Jean Arthur beauty of a comedy with the endlessly likable Joel McCrea. The Shop Around the Corner really belongs,

Well, there is the hybrid—romantic comedy screwball, which BUB qualifies, if not HGF. After all, Susan is out to get Grant from the beginning. And succeeds, while destroying his career perhaps.

The Mating Season has too many aunts. Plus the plot is over-elaborate, with too many characters and sub-plots. It's still a good one, but start with one of the first four Wooster/Jeeves: Thank You, Jeeves, Right Ho, Jeeves, The Code of the Woosters, or Joy [Jeeves] in the Morning.

Caine is a good one. I would add Connery and Dustin Hoffman.

Burt Lancaster in The List of Adrian Messenger. OTOH, even with about ten pounds of makeup, Robert Mitchum is totally recognizable in that movie.

Show some enterprise. What happens to Susan and David Bone (Bringing Up Baby), Walter Burns and HIldy Johnson (His Girl Friday), James Stewart and Margaret Sullivan (The Shop Around the Corner), Cooper and Stanwyck after Meet John Doe, Bogie and Bacall after the closeout in The Big Sleep, Jean Peters and Richard

Ellery Queen, famous detective story writer was the pseudonym of two cousins who collaborated under that name, had numerous ghostwriters late in his career.

"a notoriously eccentric 71-year old."  How can one possibly recover from that?