
Jesus Christ.

Why are you so awesome? Never leave.

Your bar friend? Not your friend. That is a horrible person and nothing he/she says can redeem them, ever, for what they said. You deserve wayyyyy better, trust me. And if you can’t find it in your day to day life, please come back here as often as you need. Trolls and some insensitive commentators aside, this is one

Oh, damn you.

Yea, if they can intimidate the IRS they are free and golden. Nothing is going to take down this church. This is the same church that was able to break into FBI offices and STEAL documentation. If anyone else did that they’d be labeled terrorists.

Not wanting to give money to a product because you don’t agree with the religious beliefs of the star is different from denying someone enrollment for an education.

I would love to know why!

lol you must not have read the book

Maybe the symbolism inspires the people who understand the references to continue working towards keeping the right to choose legal.

I have so little patience for people who are upset that someone else isn’t grieving “properly”. It really hits a raw nerve for me. I’m sorry that anyone ever approached you on that topic.

Thanks for this.

Something similar nearly happened to me when I was a kid (got kicked out of the store, someone showed too much interest in me, I freaked out and got away) but man, seeing my mom’s face after a guard tracked me down was the worst thing ever. The fear mixed with relief and her sobbing—I’ll never forget it. I would never

It’s a whole new generation of young people, man. We should prob get used to hearing “who” for the rest of our lives.

The little boy’s abduction and murder by a serial killer is what inspired the father to create America’s Most Wanted.

Jesus Christ, that is disgusting.

wud up wud up

That sounds...really awful and like a really great way to make someone start to doubt their own instincts and sanity.

Jesus Christ, this is an amazing description of what may happen. You’re very good at expressing this clearly. I think if you’d be willing to send your thoughts to your rep even through an email it would not be a waste.

This. Jesus.

Best comment here.