ted dinard

Nerd wish fulfillment explains everything in sci-fi. Remember that one from the 80s where the guy who's really good at video games gets recruited to save the galaxy with his skills? Same thing.

very similar…pretty much…basically…

He showed himself to be a total creep on his segment of that Seinfeld thing Comedians in Cars Being Boring and Narcissistic. He's got this uptown showbiz power broker attitude.

Good for them. They're right, the show sucks.

Elizabeth Bishop said the same thing.

This just makes what's always been wrong with Fallon disgustingly explicit.

Ted Dinard, Joel Abrigore, Dr. Nick Toscanni, Peter de Vilbis…

"it’s hard to prove he’s a serial killer without the show doing an episode where he actually, you know, kills somebody"


Doubt it.

The internet has jumped the shark.

If you like punk rock, I'd suggest Sorry Ma.

Just about every great band self-mythologizes—it's part of the job.

Something about burning the per diem money just seems like the ultimate to me.

I think the best PW solo records are 49:00 and Stereo/Mono.

my ranking goes like this:

This column never makes anybody look good.

Yeah the video's bad. The idea of making fun of public access TV is played, there's nowhere to go anymore with it.

Oh no, wrong memory! Drinking and posting.

Did you mean this as a reply to some other comment?