
Douglas Coupland, a favorite author of mine, once wrote about Melrose Place, and how when the writers ran out of ideas, they made every character go crazy, killed them off one by one, and then literally blew it up. AHS has gone FULL melrose this episode. And I've never enjoyed it more.

We're….basically agreed, yes.

NO HE WOULDNT. Being rich and elite would make it HARDER for Dandy to get into a gay bar in the 50's! It would raise suspicions that he was a, as was VERY commonly attempted, police plant. You couldnt buy your way into a 50's gay club. Period. This isnt up for debate.

Oh please. No it isn't. Theres a historical precedent for this and you know it. And yes, we can call Dandy gay. He has every example of gay coding (lives with his mother, childish, vain, well dressed, loves musical theater, oils himself up, literally what else do I have to say) in addition to going to gay bars.

Why is no one else horrified that all three main season villains on the show are explicitly gay men? I mean….seriously??? This is insane. How did this get past editorial? And it's not like there have been any positiviely portrayed gay men on the show, in any season. Theyve ALWAYS been explicitly evil. And don't

So has anyone noticed Bryan Murphy has a serious problem demonizing gay men? Explicitly gay, coded gay, it doesn't matter to him. With the introduction of Stanley, Im honestly starting to get REALLY upset! Zachary Quinto in season 1, plus the one male witch in season 2 who was an effete little backstabbing creep,