
You probably know this, but you could use PLEX. I use that to stream my blu-ray rips to my Roku LT without a hitch. Not sure how that technically works since the LT is only 720p, but I'll take it!

I've been playing this for a while in beta. all of the screenshots taken are in game. They are not rendered in a farm or anything. This game DOES LOOK this good while playing it. That being said, whoever took these pics must have one hell of a gaming machine cause it doesn't look as great as that on my two year old

I dont know. I mean, I love the STI as much as most people, but I would consider the STI as more of a bro magnet than a guy magnet.

I'm gonna guess that because they are screaming like little human babies that they probably feel something.

When it comes to sashimi I can only do a good cut of salmon. I'm working towards other kinds however. But sushi? I can do it all. Love it!


Haha I am glad I am not the only one who can't see the image!

That title is awesome.

Registration is only temporarily suspended.  They are under the microscope for some regulatory stuff.  As soon as that is over they should open it back up.  I'm in it now and its awesome.  Each week's build (I am at the Team Member level) has noticible improvements/changes.  It will be a lot of fun when its finished.

Right.... I am not even sure what you mean by that statement. Are we as Americans not supposed to consider Hawaiians or Alaskans to be Americans either?

Just last week a Chinese lady at the Chinese restaurant we went to asked my Japanese girlfriend if she was Chinese... She said it actually happens a lot because she is Okinawan so nobody thinks she is Japanese. I couldn't help but laugh at the situation!

Dammit Jalopnik I'm poor and your aren't helping me.

I don't think Travis wasn't saying anything about Ferrari's performance last year that wasn't true. The cars were ugly (like most of the others on the track) and it took them all season to become truly competitive.

Thanks for this. One more thing for people to drive me nuts with ;)

You aren't the only one.

I can see where they come from. I really like Starcraft II, but I S.U.C.K. at it. There are many other genres that I would be interested in playing but I am terrible at them so I don't pick them up.

He might be an odd character, but he is honest just like you say. I won a twitter contest early last year and got $500 cash from him. Sucks I have to pay tax on it (recent rule change apparently) but I could only imagine having to pay taxes on $8,500!

What about a [HOONIGAN] window sticker?

I never get tired of this. I knew the first time I saw him on TV that it was going to be a great meme for a loooong time.

Perhaps, but the F70 isn't on the road yet.