Ted C. Williams

I usually tend to play my Switch in the handheld mode, but my kids usually like to play it with it in the dock and using the TV (especially with Breath of the Wild). I’ve been pleasantly surprised with how much the Switch is in our household, especially considering we also just got the Wii U (we were late adapters

What do you think is Nintendo’s reasoning for withholding information on the system, especially if they are planning on launching the system in less than a year?

Has there been any indication if retailers will be offering pre-orders for the Mini NES?

I’ve yet to jump into the “current gen” of systems because the offerings on the PS4 and Xbox One don’t interest me all that much, but I have been wanting to get into the current generation of Nintendo games, but I didn’t know if I should hold out for the Nintendo NX (assuming that the popular Wii U titles would be