
P.S.S Insert deeper dig about bassists here.

Am I the only one that stars every one of these, and makes sure to open it on my laptop, phone, and tablet so it gets all 3 clicks?

Thoughts on Spains sentencing methods vs the US?

That pee is the best reason to eat asparagus. It always cracks me up, especially in a public toilet area.

West has only himself to blame: it’s a well-established pattern that Cowboys tend to shit the bed when time is running out.

This one?

Brilliant Kinja. Magisterial Kinja, even.

+1 for Jim Cooke’s illustration

Almond Milk: For Those Times When You Think, “Fuck California’s Weather - Let’s See If They’re Still Laughing When I Steal The Bastards’ Water”

Wondo’s mom brings the orange slices for halftime sooooo

- Saltwater Crocodile

Klay Thompson and Steph Curry were not the same sharpshooters after Harambe was killed.

It’s cool, they’ve got the Astros’ password.

Well, duh. Where there are balls, there’s usually an asshole nearby.

One time in college, I was walking to the shuttle stop so I could get across campus. There was a pond to the left of the sidewalk, Greek court to the right, and in the middle of this fucking sidewalk was this asshole shit goose. I get closer thinking it’ll move. Hell no. It spreads its wings, looks at me and fucking


My tombstone will read: “Dez caught that ball.”

In a home where language like that is not tolerated, mister.

Must be a regional thing. I grew up with parents that said stuff like, “Put that car up. It’s time for bed.”