Or Grace Park! She’s in Hawaii already!
Or Grace Park! She’s in Hawaii already!
I want so badly to admire Emma Stone. I loved Easy A. Really just adore that movie. But jeezus fuck is she making it impossible. Between this and The Help and how many Woody Allen movies? I'm kinda done. She is not Olive.
Wow. Do you really not see all the bullshit you have internalized? How about instead of putting up with gross behavior we expect the gross people to stop being gross? If you want to follow the logic of “well that’s just the way it is” maybe you should realize that in that case, you shouldn’t be in college AT ALL.…
Quotas are not a myth. They may not use that specific word, but they damn sure behave that way. I was TAKEN TO JAIL on Christmas Eve a few years ago for a $42 parking ticket (I didn’t know about but that’s a whole other story). I asked one of the cops sarcastically if they were short in their quota that month. He had…
Ha! My first thought was I guess we know why they got divorced. Kris wouldn’t stand for being the “her friend.” As in, I get her, you get her friend.
Check out AlphaMom. A great pregnancy calendar and a great advice column by Amalah.
It has to be taken contextually. I watched it when it was new, own all of it on DVD and have gone through it on Netflix probably ten times now. For today, it is a giant shit show. And some stuff in particular was sketchy even then (fat Monica). But! A lesbian wedding was crazy progressive at the time. And Carol and…
I think it’s important to point out that your use of “” is incorrect. As she did actually write the stuff. But “good try” Joey. (Note correct usage)
It's the super low calorie diet. I'm considerably smaller than you and 1,000 calories a day is starvation rations for me.
That would actually be bongs. Using a vape pen to smoke while driving is the least dangerous method of ingestion as it doesn't have to be lit by hand while driving. You can always keep one hand on the wheel with a pen.
That must be so hard.
Do you work with teens that have acted out already or teens that have identified as such but are seeking treatment before it becomes a problem?
What backwoods place do you live that people don’t put a hand on their hip on occasion? It’s a normal, HUMAN thing to do. The fact that you associate putting a hand on your hip solely with Pamela Anderson is fucking weird. I’m a,so guessing that if your daughter at 19 was dressing up as Pam Anderson you are in your…
I deserve some sort of crown for the beauty of my last true nerd rage. I did not quit. I got someone else to.
Weed joke or completely normal name for a meat pie company?
Is it legal to kick them/break their phone?
Yeah the poisoning story is completely appropriate and absolutely should have been posted. It’s totally fine to dose strangers drinks with chemicals as long as you are a sociopath bartender. Good call all around.
I have a cousin named Stephanie. I’m a default “ph” person myself.
I think there are. Isn't the split 51/49? Which is a small percentage but a lot of people.
I completely disagree with you. I do not like hoppy beers, I think every single IPA I’ve ever tasted reminds me of dirty sweat socks. And I still really enjoy the Lagunitas. But I feel better now, I assumed I was the most hop sensitive beer drinker :)