
Now if only the pre-roll video ads on this site didn’t always play at full blast, with the actual videos being muted to start. -_-

Employees, even those who were furloughed, receive backpay after the shutdown is over.

Yeah, it worked for me because of that.

Has anyone else been noticing that while the pre-roll video ads always are at full volume, the actual videos have been starting muted?

but when you’re limited to one note at a time it’s effectively 1 bit music.

Not getting an NES until the 90s, Star Tropics was the only game on the system that I ended up getting a brand new copy of.

There is one, but it is free DLC.

Also once you pick it up you can switch between the two on the save/load screen.

...attempts to answer questions about the missing Quarian ark many thought might get explored in single-player DLC that never came.

Really all it needed was to have the memory cards be affordable.

Anyone else still sad that they changed their thing from being caffeinated jerky?

Don’t get me wrong, their current product is still tasty, but their jerky is now noticeably less perky.

Anyone else still sad that they changed their thing from being caffeinated jerky?

Don’t get me wrong, their current

Watched the first episode on my lunch.. I kind of wish I had done anything else with that time.

...at the very least Jaden sold the ‘oh, life is boring, and nothing matters’ part of the character? Hopefully it was an intentional choice?

I think they forgot the ‘fun’ part of ‘make fun’.

No love for Gundam Vs?

I mentioned that in my comment, but again, this is a “Beginners guide to Reddit” post that even says to follow Reddiquette while telling people to do the opposite. 

That’s explicitly not what downvoting is supposed to be used for.

This amuses me as a guy that just wears hats often.

I’m not balding, and my hair isn’t thinning, but generally if I’m not at work and I am out of the house I am wearing a hat because I enjoy doing so. As a consequence of that, a large amount of the pictures there are of me have me in a hat.

I know it’s because of how that type of salt works, but I did have a little chuckle with seeing the direction to use kosher salt for this.

You got my hopes up! They still only have the first half of the season up, leaving it at a really bad cliffhanger :-/

With Messenger you can delete any message you send. You just have to click on ellipsis next to each text bubble and the “delete” button will appear.

Hey man, just because you get laid doesn’t mean you know medicine!