
The only job I worked at that was unionized, the union actively worked to screw over everyone in the position I held (no benefits moving forward, no increase to the max pay we could earn, ect) during both rounds of contract negotiations that occurred while I was there, as well as they did not provide any support

The combination of chlorine or saline wrecks havoc on my eyes, beyond that my eyes do not see nearly as well in water as they do in air.

June 30

...and that list makes it all the more frustrating that 5 years in, I’m not making that much doing what I do on the list.

Now if only the market wasn’t flooded in this area.

Windward is also pretty solid.

Windward is also pretty solid.

The first thing this app tells you is that if you aren’t one of the cult of apple you are not worthy of ...[J]ob...

The one-hour reptile flesh was a little squeaky in the teeth, and the the-hour batch was a touch chewy, but gator that had spent two hours in the sous-vide bath was perfectly tender and meaty.

Whelp, I was just about to start using Digit for automating savings. Guess I’ll stick with Acorns for that.

Maybe I’ll give Digit a go for a place to put money for my bills in a better way still.

The Android update is also out.

I wish it worked that way for me. I’m almost always hungry at work (although I know some of it is from boredom), but I have to force myself to remember to eat something on the weekends and keep accidentally having ‘breakfast’ at 9 or 10pm.

I’m currently looking into hopping from where I am now as all raises, including promotions to management, are based on current salary, with hard cap of 10%.

Haha I’ve made similar mistakes all too often.

...BitTorrent service that’s often associated with privacy.

Wasn’t that the entire point behind the Omega stage forms?

I don’t know.. there were less explosions than I would have expected had that been the case.

...I wish I had realized this yesterday... I just finished up a major research paper yesterday.

Dill even!

I mean, that is the only reason I would expect for the reason this post was put up on August 1st, unless I was a cynic, then it would be to rake in that trickle of ad revenue in the proceeding months.

I would be curious to see how it would turn out moreso than actually wanting it.

That is what I was thinking. Sadly the dream as not real.