
The 2005 Nissan Sport Concept... What the Versa should have been.

How about instead of, "Sorry we weren't more clear about trying to fuck you", we get "Sorry we tried to fuck you"?

PlayStation Plus doesn't automatically update unless you ask it to, at least on the PS3. Only Sony knows how it works on the PS4. But automatic updates are not mandatory with PS+, and when you set up automatic updates, you can pick what you want it to do. If you don't want it to update system software, uncheck the

2.5". Laptop drives. Make sure the drive itself is not taller than 9.5mm, or it won't fit.

That's funny, because I just upgraded my 80GB Backward Compatible PS3 to a 750GB on Sunday. Glad I fell asleep with the system on playing Assassin's Creed 3, otherwise mine would have started updating 46 minutes ago.

They're actually Audi door handles, which the Transformers car also copied.

They're actually Audi door handles, which the Transformers car also copied.

It is the Glitch Mob's remix of Breathe, from the Added Fat EP that came with the recent reissue of The Fat Of The Land. The EP had remixes of Prodigy songs by a couple different artists.

I'm seeing Big Boss, Master Miller, Revolver Ocelot and Psycho Mantis...

Going to have to agree with you.  When I bought my Jetta TDI in 2009 (the year they brought TDIs back to the US), I paid just over $21,000 for it brand new.  A year after purchasing, it's book value was actually higher than what I paid.  It was in the $23,000-24,000 range.  When I traded it in last year (May 2012),

I lol'd.

Because why pay a graphic artist to jazz your logo up a bit when you can continue recycling the same old boring image?

I wonder if this has something to do with their legal battle with Audi over the "Q" moniker. The result of which is that Audi can only use "Q" for Q5 and Q7.

As long as it is bringing in page views (and ad revenue), why would they?

Windu was older than Obi-Wan in the Prequel Trilogy. Obi-Wan was old in the Original Trilogy. If the Sequel Trilogy is happening when Luke is an old man, wouldn't Windu have died of old age by then?

WOOOOOOOOSH! Right over your head.


Watching this, I can't help but feel happy and excited for this guy. Seeing the amount of emotion he expels when he realizes his ticket has the winning numbers is so cool.

Amazon - $1528.00

That "explosion" is happening on the 1/4-mile drag strip. Looks to be at the waterbox/starting line area, just in front of the tower. This drift is through Turn 10 of the road course.