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Please keep me in your thoughts during this difficult time, everybody.

“Sure, Dick Cheney got us in the war in the Middle East, and personally helped to engineer the Patriot Act and has destabilized our country for his own profit. But you know, no one talks about the charities he donates to, it’s unfair!”

This is the only comment that needed to be made here.

As Kurt Vonnegut said, we must be careful who we pretend to be.

No. If what you’re saying has a large amount of Right Wing Nazis showing up and supporting you, it’s because what you’re saying feels appealing to the scum that is the so-called ‘Alt-Right’. The fact that they turned Pewdiepie into a meme that was referenced by mass shooters, and that hate groups support and spread

The fact that he still believes that “he should be able to joke about anything he wants”. Tells me he still hasn’t learned a goddamn thing.  And why should he?  He’s a priveliged, rich asshole with an audience of yes men who think anything he says and does is gold.

What a cool fanbase you’ve cultivated, dude.

I guess I shouldn’t be shocked, but 2K and Gearbox have been unloading clip after clip into their own foot and I just can’t understand why. I mean other than the usual issue of misguided power oafs being unable to change course.

This is a direct quote from an email you received from your director, isn’t it?

All I feel in my heart right now is murder.

I’m going to leverage your thought leadership when we ideate our next ecosystem disruption. I think a deep dive initiative will help unpack the core competencies needed to move the needle on our deliverables. Hopefully, it will incentivize engagement among key players. I’m out of pocket right now, so I can’t drill

Wait, she they faked it?????

I don't get doxxers. Why waste your time with small fish like porn stars or actors in a shitty remake? Why not go after the President? It can't be that hard. His Twitter password is probably something like "trump123" or "ivankasahottie69".

And unlike the anti-vaxxer rally across the street they are 100% harmless

Removing something from your own work that you feel do not stand by is, just saying, not fucking censorship. It’s called editing! Ya know, that shit that you do in order to create a good work?

Ah, right..”censorship”...the cowards reasoning for accepting and brushing off hate speech.

Cool, that’s one less game I have to play.

Maybe you’re confused - Bungie has never used that argument to justify anything. The main reason people know about Bungie’s slow tools is because of Kotaku’s reporting on Destiny’s problems, which is certainly not sanctioned by the studio or its management. Outside of a few granular GDC talks (which are a far cry from

Appropriation is bullshit and should be called out, and I’m hardly inclined to defend someone like Dr. Luke or Katy Perry, but some of these recent copyright rulings are basically pushing the idea that someone can own very basic, simply music ideas and styles that aren’t at all creatively unique.

IMHO they sound similar but not that similar, I mean I hear tons of rap songs everyday that sound somewhat interchangeable.