
Whoooooa, you don’t use the d-pad all the time? I keep trying to use the stick for these kinds of games, but it never feels good.

“Imagine if she’d joined the Army? It was segregated until 1948.”

Welcome to: When Reposting Twitter Drama Goes Wrong - AV Club Edition.

Yeah, I’d reckon most pageants in the South and Midwest have racist as hell roots. But I’m not going to blame kids and socially-obligated young adults for participating in something that lost its racist overtones decades ago.

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

Hell yeah! My console collection has enough boring black boxes in it. This shit is many things, but boring isn’t one of them.

It is the most hilariously overdesigned piece of console tech I’ve ever seen and I am HERE for it. It’s like if Audi made a console. It’s like if Frank Lloyd Wright took a stab at an Apple product. The fucking thing has FINS for crying out loud! The only way it looks even more ridiculous is if it could do 0-60 in 9

Fuck this headline. I love it.

Did something happen to the Waynes that involved a gun? I feel like this hasn’t really been addressed in any of the comics, movies, cartoons, or TV shows.

I met Katherine Applegate at my old bookstore and she’s just the best. Serious Cool Aunt vibes. She was there for The One and Only Ivan (also great) and while I was helping with the signing we talked about Animorphs and she directed me to a site where I could pirate it because it’s out of print so who cares.

Not be confused with its ultimate attack, The Snipes Shot.

Weird, it’s almost like it actually takes them time to put them in. 

Come on, what’s confusing about a product line with titles like the Xbox, Xbox One, Xbox One X and Xbox Series X? :D

Isn’t there a bunch of new story-based content, like with cutscenes and stuff?

there is a 99% possibility that the leftist shitbags who run this site have shadowbanned me

In a rational world that valued outcome as much as intent, this would be greeted as the equivalent of shouting “Heil Hitler”. I don’t care how “well intentioned” you think communism is “on paper”

Lol shut the fuck up dumbass boomer 

Why you gotta remind me about Harsh Realm? What’s next? Twisting the knife with follow ups to Millennium, The Lone Gunmen and Space: Above and Beyond? Stop torturing me!

Yeah I have no idea why it’s so opaque - the process is basically “someone on the staff happens to see your comment and think to un-grey you.” Given that we’re understaffed and reporting/writing/playing games/editing all day, none of us actually have the desire or bandwidth to spend much time looking for commenters to

Our parent company is a mess and the comments barely even work these days, so I’ve been checking them less (which is a bummer, because I love engaging with Kotaku readers) - you’re ungreyed now if it helps!