
I’d be his boy <3

I’m fairly certain Fable 2 helped me come out of the closet after I had husbands all over the place and was like “yeah, more of this.”

Using a Master Ball to propose is very fucked up. Consent matters. 

I wouldn't worry about that, no one asks for Titans... 

I have somehow not stopped playing Destiny 2 since it came out. Maybe a week or two will go by where I’m just like, no, not interested. Then, another quest exotic comes back, a new season starts, etc. At this point I’m not even pretending I’ll stop playing, just that I may take a few days off while I wait for the next

I did not know this about RR, somehow. This will make me not buy MK11 and I otherwise would have. Yeah, this is absolutely bullshit. Thank you. 

This made me so happy. Before seeing your articles about Skies it was a game I always told people was one of my favorites of all time but no one had ever heard of or played it. It's so nice to see it had an effect on people like it did me. And now I want a SoA tattoo! 

Yeah, I grew up watching anime and still watch stuff to this day, but it’s getting harder and harder to find stuff that isn’t sister-kissing, gross sexist harem shit, etc... 

I fucking loved Battleborn and always will. Very sad it wasn't appreciated. 

I’m ready for web 3.0: no comments or social media at all. Even this comment. 

I’ve never played FFVII but I’m waiting for the remake (hopefully to be released before Earth becomes unlivable) because those graphics are awful, and I thought that when I was 13 and the game first released. Sorry about it. 

I’m beyond happy about this.

God damn, people are not chill. 

I was excited to read the release date, only to see that this waste of an article doesn’t know. Cool! I should write for BGR. “Half-Life 3 Release date!” and then it’s just an article that says “Not today.”

All this talk of Anthem being a Destiny Killer and all that, I was excited for it to come out. A whole new game with loot to chase! But no PvP and this weird release are all bumming me out. I think I’ll wait until I know the game is in a good place before I even pick it up.

Please, Sony, just let me change my stupid PSN name. I beg you.

Oof, I just wish they would stop carting out the guy who played Tommy. He was a homophobic shithead in the 90s, let’s try to forget him everyone.

I played this game a ton too, I think it might have even been a post here saying that it was way more fun than it had any right to be. 

Came here ready to be OUTRAGED. But people got it right, Piplup is the cutest ever.

I’ll basically watch any of the 10% of Anime that isn’t about some dude fucking his sister so, I’m sure this will make my list...