
When I can run emulators on the switch, it will be the only system that matters. 0_0!


This is what people thought after Empire came out, when Vader said he was Luke’s father. I think it’s a valid concern, but also a red herring that we’re meant to pick up, all while it turns out to be true. I find that super interesting.

I see what you’re saying, since black people enslaved white people for hundreds of years, then spent decades making them into the butt of jokes for minstrel shows using White Face. Wait...

Nah bro, that’s false.

I definitely thought this was a gross Dan Starkey “here’s a kink game that’s on Steam” post. Ugh.

I’m a gay man, ding dong. But sexualizing children, even if virtual, isn’t a part of “kink.” Source: all the people I know in San Francisco who are a part of that scene.

Call me crazy but I’m OK with that considering we’re talking about sexualizing minors. You know, how most people think pedophilia is not their cup of tea.

I don’t think I’ve ever anticipated a game while also thinking it was hilarious bullshit at the same time, at least not in these levels! Also, I love you.

“But that’s just Japanese gamer culture”

I love Baths! Seeing him live was great, which is strange for an electronic show. It’s probably that he wore really short shorts...

I love Kotaku and read it every day, but I am really not chill by this game getting a positive, “if you’re into human trafficking, we’ve got the game for you!” treatment. What the fuck? This needs to be evaluated.

“though that it seems you can’t get anyone to like you and be willing to have sex in the first place without violence and/or rape.”

I don’t remember ANY of that happening in Satrdew Valley, at least not the way I played...

Eh, I’d rather be a SJW than walking some weird, fucked-up, misogynistic line between loli and child porn. I’m a crazy liberal!!

Yes, but mostly because it is the only new version on a platform to do something new. I had no interest in Skyrim for the Switch but I medium want to quit my job and play Skyrim VR until I die.

Yeah this seems like a weird, last ditch test. “Will he go through the trouble to find out what this note means? Not for two years? Yup, thought so!”

Nah, that was years ago. But I was there long enough to get a MA in Philosophy! Critical thinking is tight, homie.

Watching this video and all the legendaries we’ll be able to catch finally, it looks like this game is the end of an era on the DS systems, so we’re going to be able to catch ‘em all before moving to the switch and possibly starting all over? Oh god please no :( I sure hope the pokebank doesn’t go away... 

Sky Pirates!? Ok, I was excited for this game anyway, but if it has even a sliver of influence from my favorite JRPG Skies of Arcadia than I am ALL THE WAY IN

lol are you for real?