
I got a varidesk for my office desk for about the same price and it works great. Frankly it is a lot more user friendly than this.

1997 called and wants this app back.

Voice control is a good thing and I think can work well. It would be wise for these companies to put mics in the remote but that would probably get expensive / or you're charging the remote constantly.

Ahh, this reminds me when used to change my 'friends' autoexec.bat to delete the windows directory or format the hard drive.

There is no doubt in my mind that buying any controlled substance online without a prescription is the dumbest thing you can do.

"people with knowledge of the matter"

Apple loyalist here. Apple *does* have a problem. I just got a Nexus 7 and with a screen better than the mini and just as refined (if not more) OS, I plan on selling my iPad3.

Uh - with your logic then it also doesn't work with any month that has 31 days either?

iPhone 5 owner here. iOS 7 is looking a little underwhelming, especially if it's going to be accompanied by a slightly upgraded 5S.

I assume (since I don't see anything written about it) that there is no 'external' storage for this (i.e. Micro SD card)?

Oh, I wish you could just install the OS of your choice on these Nokia phones, or any for that matter

I'm sorry to break it to you but the fact that TrendMicro says it's verified fraudulent is meaningless. It's filtering just based off category - so pretty much anything pharmaceutical or selling drugs is going to be flagged.

Please keep in mind that this will keep water IN as much as it does OUT. Good luck with that.

Apparently I was in some kind of time machine. I had no idea I responded to a 2 year old comment! ahahah

I totally agree but on a different note. Most of the people in my company who have an Android phone know how to check their email, text and make a call - otherwise they have no idea what they're doing. Most of them don't know that they're running Android - all they know is it's not an iPhone and maybe the

16mm pancake?

Where: Reno, NV

I'm sorry if you thought I was attacking you. The reality is that how much PG you're ingesting when it comes to food additives and an eCig is very different. Also, right now, nobody truly knows the effect of PG in ecigarettes over the long term and it certainly isn't the same as breathing in fresh air.

Wow - I've actually been really happy with the Battery life on our BIG JAMBOX so an extra hour or two is a nice bonus. The volume sync and less dropped connections is awesome news though.

If you're charging that electric car with power from a coal power plant (which is the most likely source of electricity in the U.S.) then they are pretty similar - the only difference is that you've shifted the responsibility of the pollution from yourself to the power plant. Also, all those batteries in an electric