
Stewart is a great guy - teaches Journalism at the local University.

Sigh. Why don't people understand that the lower is the part that matters here..... I can buy every other part easily online.

The US Government owns about 90,000 square miles of land in Nevada which is mostly desert.

I honestly am not surprised - I was expecting it to be evolutionary vs revolutionary - much like Apple does with the 3G/3GS and 4/4S (and probably 5/5S?). Why let the cat out of the bag with a new redesign when you can sell more of these for a year and cash in next year.

Beautiful work, again proving its the person behind the camera, not the equipment.

Since this is bluetooth - has anyone tried syncing it to their PC/Mac to play emulators? This would be perfect!

This has a lot LESS to do with sites like PartyPoker and FullTilt operating and much more to do with companies like Harrah's and MGM opening their own online betting sites as well as companies like IGT and Ballys developing solutions for online gaming. Keep in mind Nevada was one of the FIRST states to ban Internet

This is getting hilarious. If as much as a rumor comes out about something Apple is doing, Samsung does the knee-jerk reaction of "OH FUCK, OH FUCK, MAKE A SIMILAR PRODUCT AND BRING IT TO MARKET ASAP!!!"

Another Big Jambox owner here - I'm getting at least 10 hours of use out of it per charge.

No crashes here on a 2011 MBA running 10.8.2. Most apps don't care. If I do it in Spotlight it opens up the Kindle app. If I do it in Safari it opens a finder Window and in Chrome it brings up the contents of my drive.

Pretty sure you need to be [10] for this.

At least correct the horizon.

Learn to do your research? LOL.

This makes me actually appreciate Instagram.

I'm aware of that but the difference in quality of memory and the controllers used is very large. This is why flash drives tend to be a lot slower.

I'd look at Escort (makers of the Passport models) or Bel (they are the same company) or Valentine.

I wish this was a company other than Cobra. The tech involved is cool but the problem is that Cobras radar detection is complete and utter crap. Not only do they give ton's of false positives but they also tend to 'leak' signals so that they set other radar detectors off.

We've been very happy with OvernightPrints. If you're submitting your own artwork it's extremely easy. Their customer service has been great and shipping is quick. If for some reason they make a mistake they generally get me the new stuff in 1-2 days.

I bought my 13 year old daughter one of these 'super-zoom' Fuji's for christmas and she's been very happy with it. It does have decent image quality at lower focal lengths. Let me tell you however that you are SOL at anything past 200mm on here (her's goes to 720mm). Without Image Stabilization or a tripod, those

With those speeds I assume this is an SSD in a thumb drive form factor and USB3. You could save yourself a few hundred dollars and just put a 1TB SSD into an external enclosure.