
Instasign has been around for years doing this and surprisingly Apple never seemed to do anything about it although this functionality is needed to test an app before releasing it.

I know it's different for everyone but as someone that owned and shot with several SLR and DSLRs over the years, about 4 months ago I got a Sony NEX-5N and I don't think I'll ever look back. The portability factor is huge as well as the available lenses that suite my needs at least and the quality of images is

Meh. Google Fiber is so extremely limited in availability it's a little unfair to be on that list.

Indexers don't matter if there is no content to index. It's starting to look like some USPs are removing articles (I assume because of DMCA takedown requests).

I had my Starbucks card barcode laser etched on the back of my white iPhone 5.

99% percent of people who will buy this *literally* don't give a shit about it's upgradability.

Got a Wii U for the family. Was out of HDMI ports on the receiver. Got a HDMI switcher. Everything ended up changing, the boxee quit working, had to reprogram the harmony remote. It's currently 2:30PM where I am and I started about 8:30AM. I'm still not done....

He should collect unemployment.

To share between my own devices, I'm really fond of Pocket. To share with others, I'll use Facebook or Twitter.

As someone who went from a Canon Digital Rebel to the Sony NEX-5N and hauled both around Disneyland the past couple years, I will tell you that the quality/portability factor pays off. I'm no professional photographer but I want the options that an SLR can give me without all the weight and bulk. It was the best

I don't think the Surface OR Windows 8 is *holyfuckingshitamazing* that MSFT expected it to be and Sinfoskys decision on whether to stay or go was possibly based on that. If they were huge successes, he sticks around and reaps the rewards. If they fail, he leaves. Note that personally I think both are great

I carry about $300 on me. Like others here have said, I'm much less likely spend frivolously if I'm paying with cash. If its something beyond $300 then it requires me to question what I'm buying and if it's worth it.

Multiple monitors are hit and miss on Windows 8. For instance, I use 3 monitors. If I pin an app like Skype on the 3rd screen on the right, and then I go to the Win8(metro) screen on one of my other screen - that sidebar moves to my primary monitor - it's really frustrating.

Seems like a lot of commenters are angry that this thing isn't receiving the reviews they anticipated. It'd be one thing if just Gizmodo gave it mediocre marks - but the "it's almost there..." review is being resonated by most of the review sites at this point.

They shouldn't have made the keyboard optional. That truly would have separated the Surface from the rest of the pack. Now one of the best features.. is an accessory.

I do have to wonder how much confusion will happen with the average consumer and understanding the difference between the RT and Pro Surfaces.

I've been using Windows 8 for a while now and the RTM version is now on my main office workstation. I have to say that I'm pretty impressed. Speed wise it's awesome (running on an i5-2500k w/ 8GB ram / 256GB SSD) and faster than Windows 7 was on this machine. It's been rock solid and has a lot more polish to it.

Mother of god. I can't imagine what kind of money they offered this guy.

ATH-M50 & SR80 owner here and I have to say, the M50's are one of the best 'bang for your' buck headphones. At that price point the sound quality is excellent. The only downside to them is that they pretty much ruined any of the other headphones I had in that price range in terms of sound quality. I do believe