
I'm just going to leave this here. Just pay attention to the date on it.....

Thank you Amazon. I have no interest in the Kindle Fire (right now) but that data plan is freaking awesome. Maybe it can help make some inroads into how much providers are charging monthly for data.

The body of the phone, the quality of the screen, wireless charging and up until your most recent post, the camera :(.

At this point the chance of this NOT being legit is slim to none. This might as well be the iPhone 4S2. I was still moderately excited about even this being the next iPhone right up until Giz posted the Lumia 920. THAT is the kind of wow factor I wanted to get from Apple.

This is shaping up to be the most boring iPhone release day yet. We know what it's going to be called and we know what it's going to look like. Short of Steve Jobs appearing on the stage or some mindblowing feature of iOS6, meh.

It was claimed that Steve Jobs was working on the 'Next iPhone' last year. I have a hard time believing this underwhelming handset is what he was working on.

I went through a few a couple years back. I loved the Apple one because it was so small. Recently though with my state passing laws against holding your phone while driving I went with a Jabra Journey bluetooth speaker in the car (it's awesome) and an extra set of ibuds in the car if I need to keep it private.

These responses remind me of "Apocalypse Now". I love the smell of Troll in the morning, it smells like war.

Yep - looks just like Total Recall.

Another Big Jambox owner here to second that. I had the smaller one and the sound just wasn't there (probably similar to this device) but then I got the big one and wow - what a difference. Plus the battery on this thing runs for damn near forever.

I am not a professional photographer but I do enjoy photography. In the past year or so I pretty much stopped taking photos because carrying around my Canon DSLR became so cumbersome. I recently picked up the NEX-5N and for someone like me it was fantastic to be able to get good photos without the bulk of a

I have to say that I've gotten to the point with seeing the next iPhone 'leaks' that either:

This is why there needs to be test/trial versions of most apps. Over the past few years I probably have spent $200+ on apps I used maybe once or twice because they didn't meet expectations or were just poorly designed.

I used to care and defend Apple. I'm not a fan of Samsung and honestly, during the olden days of the original iPhone, iPhone 3G and iPad, I do think that Samesung took some heavy inspiration from the Apple camp.

Every time I read about 'Kim Dotcom' I'm just always floored at how much money his enterprise generated.

I'm not entirely sure I'd be willing to show up anywhere outside my living room with this device.

Are these still only available at Apple stores?

Mother of god. Now I know why those little cans of Red Bull cost so much.

My lord. After almost 30 years it looks like Microsoft may be going all in and following in Apples footsteps. That statement somewhat implies that "we don't give a shit" so the 'PC' landscape may look very different in the next few years.

If this is the next iPhone (and I don't think it is) then I highly doubt Apple would call it the '5' or even 'the new iPhone'.