
You do understand that there is now a 99.9999999999999% chance that an upcoming version Gmail app is going to look strikingly similar to Sparrow?

Son of a....

As an iPhone owner...... Shit. I kinda hoped Apple would buy them up since it's so much better than the mail app.

If the unlimited data plan is dead then I'd rather just move to a plan where you pay for what you use like a utility. Yes, I know that will probably never happen but I have a dream.

Cell phone data plans have literally gone in reverse the last few years.

Not to stray too far off topic... BUT.. How do you like the NEX-5? My wife has an old Canon T1 Rebel and we don't take it with us very more because it's bulky. I like the idea of having a smaller device and still have the interchangeable lenses. Thanks!

Two things came to mind after watching this:

Mother of god. This is food porn and NSFW. *unzips*

T-Mobile in the UK does sell iPhones - it's just T-Mobile USA that doesn't have them.

Same problems here on a maxed out Mid-2011 13" Air.

The beautiful thing about Apple products is that there is enough demand and enough markup that even if this computer gets sold as refurbished, Apple will still most likely turn a profit.

Before the flood of "omg my area isn't updated" it appears that none of this was for the United States.

So if I understand this correctly, I can essentially have all the free DSLRs I want so long as I just figure out a way to get into space and find of these modules before it burns up in the atmosphere?

There was a double-size button built into WinAMP if it was too small. Worked quite well actually. This is also my personal view but MusicMatch had to be one of the few programs out there worse than iTunes.

I'll second those luggage bags - they are also available on Amazon in different colors and if you're willing to do a 'less desired' color then you can save some coin (especially if you have Prime)

"If it fulfills its promise, if Microsoft Surface Pro is $800 or $900 and can pull six or seven hours of battery life, then things will change."

I love how people carefully take the time to take every item of value they own and carefully take a picture of it when they do these desk shots. The reality is that 99% of the time their desk will never look like that when they are using it.

Thats why I said "unless you need the router features"

I thought it would be awesome to use a modem handshake as my ringtone. The sound made me remember my younger years.

I have a couple of AirportExpress' in my house that I use to stream audio and recently got an AppleTV (3) and realized that unless you need the router features of the Express it's almost better to just get an Apple TV for about the same price since you can stream both audio and video to it.