
No argument from me. I was in love with this thing throughout most of my childhood. Shit, who am kidding? I still am.

i think F-14 looks too fat from some angles. and i love F4 a little too much maybe, maybe

I think he can take it more seriously actually. Lets watch!

Took him 28 days to write the sentence.

It is a tricky situation to be sure.

BUT, BUT, referring to the acting ability of Ben Affleck! Not Argo itself.


I know it's priceless, but I can only give you $200 and a bag of Doritos. I have to make a profit, too.

Outstanding artist. Hopefully I'll get a chance to see his gallery one day. Iconic and arguably the most memorable movie monster.

Congratulations, Mr. TurbulentFlow, on today's COTD. I would like to gift you with a Mercedes which this lovely lady will deliver soon. There seem to be some strings attached.

Certainly one of their most underrated albums.

Had to post this one because, this is exactly what I was thinking when I saw this gif.

I dare say its because you haven't stooped to the classic Gawker use of ambiguous clikc baited titles.

Nevertheless its disappointing that the merits of a job are on weight of visits not quality of work.


Yes. The only living models that they had were lizards and crocodilians, which have a sprawling stance (mostly), so it seemed reasonable to people attempting reconstructions to give Iguanodon a lizardy posture.

Wasn't it a misunderstanding of how the hip/pelvis bones worked that led them to at first to believe in a wide reptilian stance and with more fossil evidence shift the legs being wide in stance, to a more narrow stance that shifted their bulk into a occasionally bipedal stance?