
Not far from where I live I saw 2.5 Altimas being used.

Why would you blame the car? You make no sense ...

I own two copies of this, one to read and one to keep. I bought one of them back in ‘88. Love the art in those comic books/novels.

In Spanish it sounds like (I, you, we, they, etc.) are coming...

I’m not a Buick fanboy but if they built those I’d be happy for them.

I was expecting 21 ladies...

Why not both?

The front looks a little scruffy to me.

I along with 20 other people ...

Hmm, interesting. It sounded as if you were disappointed it did not get the V6 (“I was really hoping ...”). I think using a different word besides “hope” would have helped. Maybe if you had said “I’m happy it got the V6 ...”.

That and they need to be properly animated. The “shine hot spot” should not move at all and it should disappear when the eyelid is closed.

“It reads the article again or else it gets the hose again ...”

Thank you for posting a picture of the t-shirt and not one of the shorts.

If its the right car I would drive one that color.

  • Loved the video

It looks remarkably stock; unlike other fast cars that claim to be something they are not :)

Well to be fair it looks good from far away ...

Sure why not, there are a million (several dozen) ways you can do it better.


You are taking an “IMO” comment way, WAY out of proportion.