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WOW! I’m late to the party and NO ONE posted this?

That’s the worst iconography i have ever seen! Even the Egyptians did better.

Its one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. Just one scene after another of brilliant humor.

Check this one out too.

You should also watch this when you get a chance.

That’s right, this is how they ended up ...

Hmm, yes and no.

I have a problem with this kid too. Too “cool” to try to jump out of the way. Little moron!

Which is why we should get rid of traditional mail completely. I don’t want my legal notices to be “lost” in the mail and then have to worry about being accused of being guilty (red-light ticket, etc.) just because I didn’t receive a notice in the mail.

While walking on plexi-glass?

100% agree; I did the same thing you did except my choice was a Mustang GT. And I’m very happy I did it.

But see that’s why you get a non-premium one. I got my 2015 GT in November of 2014, 300A, special order because I didn’t want all the premium stuff. Got the color I wanted, 18 inch wheels (because getting 19s is going to cost a lot once I have to replace the 4 Pirellis). It’s bone-stock and it will remain that way

Geez! Quit licking boot!

Wow! Real-life Futurama!

K.I.T. ♥

K.I.T. ♥