
I dream about this all the time ...

Yep that’s for sure ...

What’s wrong with you?

Ugh ...

Ok that’s fair ... I love Jalopnik but it’s still a Gawker site.

Well ... that’s what you get for posting a grammar-Nazi comment on a car blog.

If only humanity was this cool ...

I completely agree with you but fair is fair.

I like the antennas.

I think you are wrong ... really, really wrong.

I don’t remember that episode but for me one of the big problems was the size of the wheels. I like meaty tires, the wheels are typically so big you can’t really see the tire. It looks cartoony to me or like a hot wheels car.

Every car on that show would have been better without Foose wheels ... every single car.

This is the first time I saw this view of that plane and I was in love with it ever since.


Keep those hands where I can see them ...

Everyone get ready for Indy to die ...

If you can please upload some screenshots of those heatmaps with minimal (minimal because I recognize your time is valuable; unless you want to include a detailed explanation) detail as to what the heatmaps represent, thanks.

My auto-correct recently corrected “rest” to “teat”; I kid you not.