
Goes to show how much I keep up with the news but the Ranger was discontinued?!

Jezza complained about it but i think he had fun.

Ahhhh I see ... well it seems these guys might have been excluded from those commercials.

Exactly! Mean what would the Empire be without British people?!

I am jealous of you.

They should form a Union.

Exactly! It really showed how deadly the Joker could be. That’s why I loved that series so much; lots of true darkness hidden in between the fun.

What a great episode! Favorite part is when the joker says “Wallet!”.

Pictures or it didn’t happen!

It was horrible...

Its not set on Earth; its set on California like every other show from the 70's.

The Alpine IS tiny and the officer IS huge; but in fairness to the officer the Alpine is tiny.

“It’s speeding toward us at a rip-roaring 700,000 miles per hour, meaning it’ll crash into the disk of the Milky Way in the not-too-distant future. “

I know the feeling bro...

I stand corrected as well, it had an i6 not a V6. I can’t believe I forgot that detail but after searching for images it all came back to me.

Now I know why he didn’t make his flight.

Oh man I completely forgot this was made for a Ninja Turtles movie ... that’s awesome!

Wow, seriously? High Voltage is a shit studio.