
I get to be on top!

Jason changed the title from "drive" to "ride" ... boo! :)

Except he is not driving.

Glad to see they have their priorities straight.

I approve of this but in black please.

Maybe in the pictures but in real life I would not have any trouble telling them apart.

I agree with you. I have a 2002, my neighbor has a 2007 and now I just got my 2015 GT.

I know ... I was joking ...

I just got mine (GT) and it's not in the way at all. I don't foresee ever doing that. Plus I imagine there might be a computer safety feature to stop you from doing that if the car is in gear.

This is the interior of a 1965 Shelby GT 350. It does not have anything extra it does not need. Only 2 extra gauges and that's it.

Tony Stewart is that you?

Why wouldn't anyone pick this up? When I see a penny on the street I pick it up ...

I love this! Why? Because its EXACTLY the same setup as my non-premium GT. Basic stereo/Sync etc. is all that's needed here.

Of course, this all comes at a cost of much more engine vibration, but if you look at all the advantages, they point to one very specific application: go-fastification, sometimes called "racing."

It looks like a possible hit and run to me motivated by drugs :D

This is right and wrong on so many levels.

That's the scene where he finds his aunt and uncle murdered and realizes shit just got real, no more Tosche Station or playing with the T-16.

Dammit! I cant believe ! got one wrong! They were cake too!