
It reminded me of that show in a big way! In fact I would not be surprised if they were directly involved.

The point would be to have it just in case we discover a way to do it properly in the future. I am not convinced we know everything about genetics.

This is more beautiful than I could have imagined.

Not soon enough!!!

Does anyone know if we extracted DNA from the Black African Rhino and the Pyrenean Ibex?

Ha ha, yeah ... nope. Listen I like progress as much as anyone but the thing about progress is ... progress. My comment (and the one from Labcoatguy) reflect just that; we have tried it, it didn't work now lets move on.

I certainly want them.

It's like when a kid thinks he's come up with a bright idea and you are thinking ... "already tried it, not gonna work".

No good ... I shoot them down all the time ... without re-spawning.

I ... I mean ... I think ... (sigh) ... it's just not a good idea.

Two key things worth noting here: One, Mario makes heavy usage of Slide Attack, which is done by pressing B + the control stick. Most of Buchanan's playthroughs are like this—he uses every move in Mario's arsenal, such as his punches and kicks. And two, the only reason this is possible with zero jumps is because of a

Is that Joker a dude or a lady?

I am a lifetime Chicago Bears fan. Chicago: can I begin to say "I TOLD YOU SO" now or should I wait one more week?

You say that as if it was the wrong thing to do.

The 351 would be nice but you will then have to install disc brakes all the way around and change the wheel hubs from four to five bolts.

Maybe its escaping the fire instead of having the engine caught on fire.

Needs the bumpers.

Is it missing a bumper or did it come like this?

They are going to have to do what I do to take care of the pain on my car which is park in the last spot in the parking lot (hangar bay).