
In a way I think its ok its hidden because it helps it stay in pristine condition.

Johnny Five alive!

Wow, is that her? Wow ...

Maybe you are just thinking of penises which is completely fine after all, I have been staring at Batgirl's body the whole time.

I just read every title with the voice of the original show announcer in my head.

I can't deal with the huge cobra on the hood. The skin is borderline for me, I would do black on black (or similar dark color).

Regarding the properties of the glass fiber, did the photons have any interaction with the atoms of the glass fiber? Do the atoms that make up the glass fiber have any special properties? On a quantum level I cannot believe they are 100% translucent.

Look I get what you are trying to say and I am in full agreement with the facts you post.

Ugh, you had me until:

That's because it was such a bad movie no one saw it.

He Needs to be real!

Pffft yeah like I really noticed the book she was reading ...

Awesome image.

It's click-bait.

Cool! Thanks for the info!

I want this now.

I would spend so much time trying to figure this one out that it would not be worth the time to use it.

Fast attack and recon!!!

There you go! There is the positive attitude I was looking for! :)