
Actually the lowest IQ for a man would be the same as the highest IQ for a woman.

Yeah, I mean I saw the story when it first posted and saw no comments. So I went and got a cup of coffee, waited for the story to ferment and viola about 45 minutes later a healthy colony of gender comments has emerged.

Google Raven

Oh wait! I just realized its about real toys ... so Happy Fun Ball does not apply.

I know I'm late to the party but Happy Fun Ball deserved a mention.

I told that to my ex all the time and I would get the worlds most killer dirty looks ... good times ... :)

Yes, I didn't think about that! Like many politicians I neglected to consider the cost!

Hmmm, that cake looks so good! I just got my coffee and a slice of this coconut covered cake would really hit the spot.

Its just you asshole; you ALWAYS have to check your gear after an attack to make sure its in good working condition. You don't want to wear a helmet that has been permanently damaged.

Because why not?

Hannibal Lecter loves brains so much he makes this guy eat his own brain.

Brain slug and Fry.

For sure ... I need to start recording my sorties so they can see what can be done with something like an F4 Phantom (not the best plane I know which why I chose it).

Its all fun and games until somebody ...

There is always a way.

I was thinking it ...

It looks more like these two to me:

That's it! That's the one! I did a quick search yesterday (I was at work) and thought I posted the right video but later I realized it wasn't the video I remembered. Thanks for the find.