
Identical to my old ship, USS LaSalle AGF3.

"In a van down by the river!"

That image reminded me of this.

I know it's not a Polyphony game, I was saying "hear that Polyphony" so they will put attention to this game. GT6 while I like it doesn't look anywhere near as good as this.

This looks amazing a but if it can't live up to the mechanics of GT6 then I would not get it. My big questions are:

Side note ... I register all my "copies" of Windows OS's under name Max Power. Just a heads up ... :)

That's a great comment for a burner account.

In flight movie:

You mean to tell me ALL of these people saw the Bears game?? I feel embarrassed...

Why does this emblem need to be so HUGE?!?

I miss Italy ... I really, really miss Italy.

When you are traveling at Mach I sudden decompression in the cabin could lead to a catastrophe.

Flashing Yellow Light: Come to a complete stop. Look around in utter confusion, as if your husband just called and insisted that you must come home at once, because the microwave is attacking the cats. Proceed when clear.

Yes! Thanks for the title. I forgot the movie but never forgot the helicopter.

BEST seat in the house ... :)

Get a college degree first and then join up as an officer and then you WILL fly one of these.

Here is a more technical image.

I don't think they got it working but I think they should give it another try. NASA needs more funding!

Or this one too:

Yeah man that was hilarious.