So we don't have COTD or pictures anymore but you know I am glad I experienced those 2 things when we had them, it was cool back then.
So we don't have COTD or pictures anymore but you know I am glad I experienced those 2 things when we had them, it was cool back then.
Yeah they do need a reporting system, I kinda liked the one they had (have) at Yahoo where you could "like" or star a comment but you could also give it a thumbs down. If the comment got tons of thumbs down then the comment would be minimized and would only open IF a person clicked on it.
Hmm that's gonna be tough since we can post any images. There are many different styles out there, I looked at Corvette, Viper, Mercedes, BMW, etc. All have different styles and ways of doing it.
Oh man! Reading comprehension skills have really dropped! For someone who claims to have "brain cells" you have nothing to show for it. So here let me help, take a deep breath and slowly read the comments. They should be sufficient; if not the two brain cells which you hold so dear to your heart may not be living up…
You know what gets me about that? And by the way I am not defending the trolls in ANY way BUT you know for sure one of the reasons the trolls did this was because jezzies can talk so much sh!t.
And there IS a reason I mentioned the other posts. If you had a pair you might had read them and it might have prevented you from posting anything at all but its hard to argue with a fanboy mentality so I will not.
Neither do they (have enough data). They are looking at the same picture I am. They are giving me shit because of the fanboy factor preventing them from looking at this objectively. The fanboy in them tells them that Dodge engineers can do no wrong. As stated in other posts I like the car NOT the vent.
LOL, I was feeling nostalgic.
No, I'm not doubting Dodge engineers; I like Dodge. I'm doubting an internet picture which does not have a level of detail high enough to see whether its functional or not. I can say the same about anyone who is "sure" its functional that they are talking out of their ass.
What part of the word "doubt" do you not understand.
Agreed. That's exactly my point, that vent just looks like someone came over and said "hey let's put a vent here."
Ha ha, never said it wasn't; I said I doubt it. Big difference in words there gramps.
LOL, you are right about that.
Yes that vent looks awful; I doubt its functional.
Much better, you can even see the front directional thrusters on that image.