
Meh ...

I have to admit I did get chills from this but I have had more disturbing experiences.


I knew this thing would fail and many people agree about the character design. Deep uncanny valley, deep.

Great advice, I will check it out. After all I don't want my card revoked! :)

I know! I was scrolling down to see if this was posted.

I still haven't seen this film ... I know; I'm sorry.

... and don't forget this:

The look on the cat is priceless.

THAT'S the secret!

Took long enough ...

I had this when I was a kid to spy on my sisters n their hot friends ... to them it was a drone!!! :)

I think the public (and I) understood the first one but the rest WERE completely misunderstood.

Same thing isn't it?

"It's ok, the weight of the vehicle will keep it in place during fight" - :)


He is likely VERY, VERY busy to tell you more. Besides I think its far more important for him to help fix cars versus writing blog comments.

Well I'm not hating those films, hate is a powerful word. I just don't think they are anything like the stuff I grew up with (I know they are not supposed to be).

I have to try to watch the Nick show somehow; I've heard many good things about.

Lol, I will consider it.