
"It's ok, the weight of the vehicle will keep it in place during fight" - :)


He is likely VERY, VERY busy to tell you more. Besides I think its far more important for him to help fix cars versus writing blog comments.

Hmm I agree, lets test your theory:

There, that's what they meant to do!!!

A bit off topic here ...

This appears to come from some British Commonwealth territory, as they're driving on the wrong side of the street and the street signage is English. I's not clear exactly why the motorcyclist crossed the double-yellow and ended up the world's worst airplane, but he did. And, incredibly, wasn't injured at all.

... and mustaches.

One that we can't wait for?

Nice choice!

Again, pretty cool!

Hmm, well I guess its all kinda arbitrary. Cool.

"Phone-dial wheels" Awesome, I didn't know they were called that.

"1991 944s were convertibles" Hmm, I did not know that. Thank you sir, that kinda does make a difference.

Cool, I understand that but if I owned a 944 (for example) I would like it included. Imagine if you owned this car and you liked it, would you like it included?

Kill it with Fire!

Much better! RWB too!

I knew I was reaching but some were produced in the 90s so that's why I think it counts.