

I love the new 2015 but I also like this:

Oh man call the cops! Your car has been vandalized!!!

Oh man! I want to be that plant! How come it gets to go up there and not me?

LOL the likeness is uncanny. I see we have reverted to using YouTube/HS insults; excellent!!!

The point is not the number of bikes; the point is the actions taken by the drivers. If he is acting like a douche bag then it doesn't matter the number of bikes on the road or whether it's legal or not; he will be more likely to cause an accident.

I don't think it's immoral; I think it's irresponsible, inconsiderate and dangerous. Just look at the image, all snug between those 2 other cars. Yeah I bet the people in those cars like it right? Because having a loud motorcycle go by just a foot or so from your head (window rolled down) is very pleasant. And just

For starters THIS jackass is doing this in Illinois where it is illegal (look at the plates) and I recognize the expressway; its I290.

Oh man! I was hoping for a cool video where this JACKASS would get what's coming to him. :(

Because Hollywood!

So they become this:

Public school system man, public school system ... :(

This would likely be COTD; too bad it doesn't happen anymore. Well here is a link for old times sake:

Its related to the majestic Jackalope of course!

I don't think you are taking a close look at its feet. Please take a look at those "feet" again.

This should have been included, if only for the walk.

Note to self: Do NOT Google "The Great Tit" at work!!! DO NOT!

What I want to know is:

"Because using a flame throwing just results in angry flaming sharks."