
It would be awesome.


I think its Photoshoped but it would be cool as a DIY kit.


I think they are Photoshoped but someone should offer them as kits to attach to the Smart body frame.

Unless it looks like this I'm not interested:

Pffft I think you have me confused for someone else. This is the first time I saw this article and read your post; today its on the front page of io9. And it struck me as a "Debbie Downer" post. But if you say your intent was good so be it.

"Party, meet David Lomax; David Lomax, meet Party."

This whole thing while it does make me angry and upset it also makes me sad. This bot helps but its not enough to get rid of the bad feels.

What it looks like up close:

Are you??

"It won't be much longer before we start using personal robots to fulfill our erotic desires."

Mike Judge is a genius, this movie is one of those that its funny cause its true.

Do not try to stop natural selection! Or we will end up like the humans in Wall-E or everyone in Idiocracy.

It looks more like a Miura:

Nope, for the simple fact it is mentioned way too much here in Jalopnik.

I was going to say the same thing, because of all the ugly aftermarket parts. To me it looks like this:

It is intensely rare to find them "stock" with no after market parts.

I have seen some on the street and it always makes me turn around for a second look.

Yes please!!!