
I love this angle but the back is very bland.

Ooooh! Burn!

That's because it's actually combined with hair coming out of his ear.

In America, we get hail storms.

Ok all of you guys are going to hate me for this but here it goes:

Then why not build it and not make it quite as cheap and a little less profitable? Why does a good car idea have to go through the bean counters for approval. They don't know anything and Nissan has plenty of cash. So why worry Nissan?

Oh man, THAT sounds amazing. I would love to experience that one day. Hmm, would it be possible to post launch schedules and locations some day? Kinda like a movie guide but for launches.

Reminds me of the population density charts from SimCity for the SNES and it also reminds me of Medusa.

I think NASA (we) can't ever be too excited to launch a rocket. We need to get the excitement that we had back in the 1960s; in other words I wish society and the media would treat this as a huge deal.

This is what it looked like after launch:

C'mon, does it matter? She can do whatever she wants.

Ok ... but that thing just looks so heavy. How fast could it do 0-60 stock?

You did it again! Good Job!

Not under-rated, ugly-rated.


New Lambos no longer have manual.

I think this could be another way to get rid of an unwanted drone. Get a Radio Frequency Jamming device.

Sorry I am late to the party but I was working really hard yesterday. Anyway this is what I would use:

The first and second seasons were the best ones! :)