
Exactly! Think of the children who won't be able to view the crash!

Man, well this really sucks! I make a comment that's finally good enough to be a COTD and now it no longer exists!

Sad but true.

My last paycheck was $11,500 working only 5 days a mon ....


What's COTD?

The conclusion to this is it doesn't say much for Guy Fieri.

Ha, ha! Nice, I was not expecting that!

LOL :)

I think you are right.

Grounded to the ground bro ...

This is such an ugly paint job! I mean what does this say about Optimus's personality? Is he one of those tacky guys that buys all the plastic chrome trim at Autozone and puts them all over his car/truck to make it look like it goes fast but in reality its a POS?

Cool! I will start looking up info on him. Thanks!

Oh my!!!

Ok cool, it sounds like this guy is awesome! So ... what's his name?

Pffft not likely; this F1 has already proven itself. Here we are in 2014 and one just recently sold for 10 million. Do people like it? Definitely yes. I really don't think this concept will ever reach that price tag or popularity.

You bring up a good point and that is at the end of the day its all a matter of personal opinion. And yes the wheels don't look as great as something made today but to me the chassis is classic.