
There is nothing wrong with a little fat from some angles in my book.

The F-14 Tomcat is the sexiest jet fighter ever! With the F-4 Phantom close behind.

Needs mo headrest yo!

Late bloomer.

You leave Falcor out of this!

It took him a while but he finally found the period.

Note to self:

This is from the mid 80's Batman vs Judge Dredd:

Wait ... you are a TC driver? Really? It's you that doesn't belong here because YOU are driving a fake car.

Yes it most definitely is Putin and his psycho cronies but what gets me is the lack of action taken by the Russian people in light of his tyranny. And you are also absolutely correct about this: Russians are trying to lead a normal life but again that's exactly what the problem is.

Yes but can it do this:

I havent had McDs in over a year; what you just said will help push me for another 5. Easily. Thanks.

LOL, Fail!!

Because California.

Its pronounced Souuuuuuuuuulplane ...

Here you go buddy, enjoy!

Pfffft, after all the stuff started with Ukraine I don't give any fucks for Russians any more. They completely lost credibility in my book.

Hey, if you picked me up you would! ;)

Cool! This was discussed in last night's Cosmos! It's nice to be able to follow up on something cool like this. Thanks!

You get THIS and dinosaurs? SOLD!