
No they are real, she has been around for a while. Big tease model.

That's the best fade to black I have ever seen.

hmmm i dont know about that:

119 years is enough to develop a weather pattern. Furthermore there are 119 years of "official" record keeping. "Un-official" record keeping has existed dating as far back as Egyptian times.

wow dude, remind me to never walk barefoot if i visit your place ...

Colonel Angus might have an answer for you.

shut up wesley!

The exhaust tip is the largest piece of 3D printed titanium in the world. In order to get the purple, heat worn edges that they wanted, Koenigsegg heat treated it with a torch to get the purple edge. It was mesmerizing to watch.


Pffft, not true ...

i think the "aqua" (or rain) would be displaced by the "threads" thereby providing more contact with the road.

its just so it looks cool :)

I would LOVE to be inside that amazing nightmare! :)

Han Solo

Looks like using the acronym MOM is not a good idea, didn't they learn anything from the use of MU-TH-UR 6000 in Alien?

oh crap! its happening, the paradox is happening in this conversation!

thanks to kinja I need a quantum microscope to read the text in the images :)

The only reason the Hennessey won was because the stock McLaren had its windows open! Duh!

What makes people follow a "God" that hates?