
Are they bringing back Trapper Keepers? Because this would be the perfect image for one!

They do exist ...

All this needs is graffiti saying "George Lucas was here!"

oh dear ... :)

Anytime I see deer on the road I slow down and "honk" at them to scare them off. No one should use high-beams or flash their headlights.

i had to read the first 3 paragraphs twice to try to understand what he was saying, then i scrolled down and was like "hell no, i'm not reading this pointless rant!"

This is just a hypothesis based on the response but I would think the reason would be more psychological than biochemical. I would think that everyone sees something they fear as something to be avoided however if you face a fear (that has a chance of having a safe outcome) then the psychological reward to your ego

Take deep breaths but don't hyperventilate :)

yes indeed, divs on the brunette :)

I had a diecast model of this car too but I didn't think it was real! Very cool and thank you for the story and for bringing back memories of playing with this on the roads on my bed.

Except sharks with frickin lasers!

The toddler's laughter at the end of the video is priceless!

awesome thanks, they look creepy. I must watch :)

What series is this from?

This one is tiny too but does not look it.

Whoever has not heard of Bose is a loon. :)

these guys know what u are talking about ...

Now playing

"nothing is over until we decide it is!"