
If you’re stupid enough to fall for fads, eat Tide pods, and snort raw cinnamon, don’t let me stop you from becoming a Darwin Award nominee. At the same time, anyone believing TikTok is a benign social media platform just doesn’t understand the geopolitics and cyberwar going on. 

Dave: Open the pod bay doors, please, HAL. Open the pod bay doors, please, HAL. Hello, HAL, do you read me? Hello, HAL, do you read me? Do you read me, HAL? Do you read me, HAL? Hello, HAL, do you read me? Hello, HAL, do you read me? Do you read me, HAL?

If TSA security was designed to work properly and effectively, anyone found to have a firearm in their carryon (“I didn’t know it was there ...”) would be denied boarding at least 24 hours, fined the maximum amount, and their weapon confiscated.

So did the change the name of the lost submersible to Also Ran?

Flight tracking uses public information, available to anyone with the software and knowledge of the tracking ID for a particular aircraft. All Sweeney is doing is combing both. Instead, he could just list the aircraft tracking IDs for specific aircraft (and their owners), tell people which software to use and where to

We had a new 2005 Equinox. Saw it at a car show and my words to my wife were, “When did Chevy get religion?” Major step up at the time from what Chevy used to offer. We enjoyed it very much. We sold it second-hand in 2016 and that owner still has it.

Is it wrong to hope for a long rouge wave a la The Poseiden Adventure to occur?

At least three dead now, as of this timestamp.

Fox reports in the sub-head,

Waiting to read your next article ...

Point of clarity. While one political party is mainly at fault, it’s their House members (not Senators) who are the real problem children. And yes, I’m aware of one one Republican Senator who actually wanted to fist-fight with a witness during public Senate committee hearing today!

Are 100 gallon cowboy hats deriguour for Texas sheriffs during press announcements?  Seeing no chinstrap in use, is there hidden velcro so it doesn’t blow away in a wind?

No need for wooden poles. South Australia got it right decades ago with the stobie pole. And as an added bonus, stobie poles dramatically cull the herd of inattentive drivers.

If you are so concerned about the potential for bad wiring, broken connections, etc., regardless if you are “experienced” or not, get a licensed electrician.

Several years ago we replaced our washer and our dryer. The new ones came with wireless so we could “remotely” monitor the washing and drying. Why? WTF!

So many “writers” these days are not.

Coastal taipans don’t live in South Australia.

Sound devices are irrelevant if the dialects spoken are full of mush. Case in point: Apple’s Ted Lasso limited TV series. The various British dialects are often difficult to understand.

You are assuming she can read.

X marks the wet spot. Musk wants you to sleep on it.  Every. Night.