
Seretse Clouden, age 42.

So if you own an original Pyrex made from borosilicate glass, you are in a glass by yourself.

Note the Republican Member of Congress for where this disaster occurred is playing politics. He’s blaming the Democrats for this disaster.

Someone is always going to be offended now. So use Sir or Ma’am and offend someone. Or not use either and offend someone.

The real sad irony is the event occurred in a congressional district where the representative wants to roll back environmental and safety regulations.

Using a zip tie to “secure” your luggage will only last from initial checkin until TSA opens the bag before they clear it for loading aboard the aircraft. Plenty of time after that for the zippers to work loose, especially if you’re flying multiple flights to your destination. Just buy an approved TSA lock.

Your headline ends in a preposition. Work on it for next time.

Long ago and far away when I was a ranger in Yellowstone NP. On a day off I drove up one the long since closed little used public roads for sightseeing. I was parked, out of my vehicle, and a considerable distance from it. Photographing wildflowers if I recall correctly.

Many species (flora and fauna) are also bellwether species. They are early indicators that environmental and/or habitat are changing abruptly, often for the worse. And much of it directly caused by humans.

“Police officers in movies and on TV are always telling families to wait 24 or even 48 hours before filing a report about their missing loved one. This is a dramatic device, meant to increase the tension and buy more time for plot to happen. It is not an actual rule.”

I wonder if this incident will merely delay the railroad’s stock buyback plans. You know, rather than spend money on infrastructure and system maintenance, not to mention employee benefits.

If China were truly sorry, they would have notified the US and Canada the moment the balloon left Chinese airspace.

Signal only has end to end encryption if the other party uses Signal as well.

I have a Windows laptop.  I uninstalled the camera software so it’s impossible for the camera to function.

During our hotel stays we decline all housekeeping.  There is no sense in daily changes of sheets and towels, not to mention room cleaning.  We don’t change our sheets and towels daily at home.

During our hotel stays we decline all housekeeping.  There is no sense in daily changes of sheets and towels, not to mention room cleaning.  We don’t change our sheets and towels daily at home.

Your ageist hate and ignorance are noted.  One less name in my will.

Your ageist hate and ignorance are noted.  One less name in my will.