
BFD. He still cannot travel internationally outside the sphere of Russia. He now officially lives in his own Gulag forever.  Or until Putin finds no use for him.


Two simple things:

We do our best to not waste electricity anyway, but I still replaced all my incandescent bulbs with LEDs.

I’m told if you confirm you are a QAnon member, you get a discount ...

Watch and LISTEN to to the Twitter video, especially near the end. The news folks are speculating it’s now only a matter of time before someone with a fake Uber Eats delivery robot sends it through police lines and detonates a bomb.

ROTFLMO!!! Didn’t you folks run a recent article on all sorts of “new” iPhone features that Android has had for years?

Like all hot, young stars, most will burn out fast while others will lead a long life.

There are only two home renovation shows worth their salt:

Harry and Meghan’s website is a personal website. It is not a “royal” website.

Now we will know once and for all that Chuckles is ready or not. The sooner he abdicates to son Wills the better.

“... joy felt from watching boomers turn red in the face from watching Fox News.”

Socks. Extra socks! The big, thick almost all cotton (white) athletic socks. At least four pair per person.

How many people in the hurricane-prone areas of the US are prepared right now? Lots of news stories as a hurricane approaches when people stock up on candles, batteries, food, and buy generators and plywood to cover doors and windows. Seems to me if you live in a hurricane-prone area, the plywood would be cut and

So how much did it cost Apple to build their spaceship headquarters? You know, the bigly empty building Apple is now so embarrassed it remains empty?

The only things that can be flushed:

So she’s not competent to make a decision to terminate the pregnancy? How competent will she be raising the child? And will this 16-year old ever become a viable human in her own right?

As others have stated TSA is mere security theater. However, to condemn them outright because of all too often long lines to get through the security check is the responsibility of the airlines and their selfish customers.

Some stores may not allow to add copyrighted images to bakery goods, like Disney characters.