
“Ah, we got an emergency here. Can someone Google emergency services, please?”

Gee, and I thought the shortage was because Trump was hoarding.

I disabled Edge.

We continue to buy CDs and DVDs. No way am I gonna plunk down some cash for a digital copy only to have the license owner nullify my purchase, or have no ability to transfer a digital copy among my devices.

  • Felony hit and run. I don’t give a rip the driver holds a city elected position. Throw the book at her as any hit/run driver.

Need to bring back the Tide pod Challenge. Clearly, we don’t have enough chlorine in the human gene pool to rid ourselves of this stupidity.


Google “homemade swamp cooler.”

Google “homemade swamp cooler.”

You forgot Vegemite.  It doesn’t spoil, either.

I see the author of this piece never heard of, “Take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves.”

And using the video to continue promoting the conspiracy theories.

Apparently spoon-feeding is the trend.  Reading requires work!  <snark>

You missed a big one ...

Measles was the benchmark as the most contagious virus in humankind. Not anymore. The BA.4 and BA.5 variants just blew that out of the water. And some preliminary studies indicate there is a potential one of these variants may be more deadly than Delta.

>> Of course, there’s technically nothing stopping you from ignoring the “no dogs allowed” signs and bringing yours in anyways.

The writer of this article needs to watch the 1983 movie, The Day After.

So while driving you get stopped by a cop. If you record the interaction when the cop approaches your vehicle, you sitting in the driver’s seat, you are obviously within eight feet of the cop. Rather convenient for the cop. I wonder how many more injuries and deaths to the driver (and the passengers) will occur now

Will his casket be placed on a U-Haul flatbed trailer, towed by a U-Haul truck on the way to the cemetery?

I’m hoping the Church of Satan opens school chapters. We’ll see how fast the Christian athletes react.