
The fire was caused by a malfunctioning space heater.

Wait a year?  Actually with chip shortages and shipping/supply chain issues, that wait is really two to four years.

We need Weird Al Yankovic right now to come up with a parody:

The social meme circulating is appropriate here:

It’s long past due to go the Full Monty on air travelers who bring a firearm (loaded or unloaded) aboard commercial aircraft (checked baggage notwithstanding).

I live on a dead end street.  I cannot count the times I’ve directed lost drivers they need to turn around and start over.  They keep inisiting Google says they can drive through, even though I point out to them, “See that large earth barrier at the end of the street, topped by No Entry signs?”

Don’t follow the Fixer Upper crowd. That fan base wants you to paint everything white or beige! Everything, as in beautiful wood furniture, fireplace bricks and stones, exposed structural features in the house (e.g., wood beams and posts), every wall in the house (inside and out!).

Well it dipped into the corona, but it didn’t dip into the corona with lemon ...

Ah, the good old days when you met for coffee in a very public place surrounded by others. There were no apps or other social media places to hide behind. Life was real then. So were your very real, face to face social skills put to the test.

They should have called these guys to recover the vehicle before it went over the edge:

Because *everything* is bigger in Texas!  :)

A CME event described in this article is a civilization ending event. Full stop.

Yesterday, on a NBC Nightly News story an ER doctor made a very direct statement: “In North America, either get vaccinated, or you will get COVID.”

There is an upside.

I just love authors of how-to articles with no sense of practical reality.

I bet you didn’t send a draft of this article to your local fire chief for a review. They would have told you not to publish it.

Never, ever buy tools for someone who knows what they are doing with tools.

Hey, Aaron!!

Efficiency is not always a good thing. Safety and security always.

How about a hidden switch that turns on a currency dye bomb when you exit your vehicle? Add in a 20 second delay timer for your own benefit and Bob’s your uncle. A would be thief would get blasted in the face by currency dye making it easier to find them.